Each week, we interview the biggest names in the events industry and talk about the latest event trends, technology and many more.

#EventIcons 102 - The Evolution Of Event Tech - Liz Caruso, David Epstein & Mike Judeh

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The evolution of event tech and the evolution of event planners go hand in hand. Technology has completely changed the role of an event planner. In today’s world, you need to be a great event planner. But that is the tip of it, you also need to a marketer, a web developer, and tech guru. If this overwhelms you, you are in the right place!

In this weeks episode, our iconic guests Liz King of Liz King Events, David Epstein of Bizzabo, and Michael Judeh of Convene join us to reflect on the evolution of event tech in the last 8 years. They will discuss where they believe tech is heading, onsight engagement tools you can use to enhance your events and so much more! This is an episode you can’t afford to miss. Need More Info? Find It Here!